Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Forcasting 2010

"For 2010, I think-I hope!- we'll begin a conversation about balance in the marketing mix. Social media has been the "Next Big Thing" for a couple of years now, but despite the heavy hype, there's been relatively little discussion about it's place as a tool in a toolbox, as opposed it being the salvation of marketing and branding.
Print isn't dead. Television isn't dead. Radio isn't dead. Billboards aren't dead. Direct mail isn't dead. Even newspapers aren't dead. They are all very much alive and there are great opportunities to use them in conjunction(instead of replacing them) with social media and other new media.
By applying the fresh perspectives and philosophies found in new media to more traditional areas of marketing, we can uncover opportunities to innovate and extend beyond what other's have done in the past. Here's hoping 2010 is the year we dust off some of the great media vehicles of the past, and discover new and relevant ways to use them to connect with our audiences."
James Archer Managing Director of Forty Agency

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