Monday, July 19, 2010

Greeting Cards

DeFrance has been producing greeting cards & social stationery for designers & card companies both locally and nationwide for quite some time. Typically we are the silnet partner producing, packaging and shipping the work with no one ever knowing but our client.
This is what makes Brad from Maginating such the acception to the rule. He not only brings DeFrance loads of great and challenging projects but he freely passes our name around which we greatly appreciate.
Above are samples of 2 of his many cards we recently finished. Brad loves pushing the envelope often using 3-5 colors as shown above. These cards are then die cut and scored, shrink wrapped, packaged and shipped.

If you have a product DeFrance can help produce please call us or email today to see samples and learn more.

Letterpress piece

Handset with lead type, printed on coaster/blotter paper with high dense Black ink smashed into the sheet of paper. This piece was created for DeFrance sent out to local designers boasting how we can help them make an "Impression" figuratively and literally.

Call or email us today if you are interested in impressing your clients

Friday, July 9, 2010

Postage increase in 2011

Postal rates will increase January, 2011.

The United States Postal Service today filed for a price increase with the Postal Regulatory Commission. Overall, the increase will average 5.6%.

First-Class Mail will rise 5.4% on average making a first class stamp 46 cents. Presorted letter prices will increase an average of 2.1 cents. Presorted flats will jump about 12%, on average.

Standard Mail prices will increase an average of 5.6%. The increase for standard letters will be about 5.0% and flats 5.1%. STD parcels will jump 23.3%, since they currently do not cover their costs. Other classification changes will be proposed as well.

Periodicals will increase by 8% and Package Services will increase 7%, except for Bound Printed Matter flats which will rise only 5%.

The Postal Service acknowledges the price increase will impact customers, but expects the total net benefit of the higher prices to be about $2.3 billion, an amount that will reduce the agency's anticipated Fiscal Year 2011 loss to about $4.7 billion.

The Postal Rate Commission has 90 days to respond and could make changes to the proposed rates. Implementation is planned for January 2, 2011.

We will keep you updated on further developments.
With our inhouse mailing services DeFrance can save you money on postage ensuring you recieve the optimum postage rates on first class, bulk mail or non profit mailings.
Call today for more info-