Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Late Valentines Pics

Well I'm a little late but couldn't help but post these pics.
We have featured some "Crisps" from Con Pane in a older post but Catherine and her staff at Con Pane out did themselves for Valentine's day. A Chocolate Bread Bear! No Kidding.

DeFrance helped with Digitally printed labels but the star of the package was definetely the Sweet bread with Chocolate Chunks. My wife loved it and so did I, I stole an arm and a leg, delicious!
Visit them at
Con Pane Rustic Breads & Cafe
1110 Rosecrans Street, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 224.4344

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines Day = Variable Data

By now many of you have received DeFrances Valentines Day mailing, our very first Variable Data project produced entirely in house. The concept was mine, the graphics we’re Jeanette and Troy/ Carrie handled to printing, variable data and mailing of the piece.

We have developed a monthly direct mail campaign for 2009 showcasing our capabilities. Each month we will feature a different printing process, showing how to bring in new customers and increase your sales. As I have mentioned many times before, direct mail works plain and simple, but it only works when you target your audience and create a piece that will catch their attention getting them to buy buy buy! Marketing or direct mail campaigns should be tailor made to fit your specific needs. Please call us today to set up an appointment on how this can help you.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Letterpress Notes

Here are 2 of 6 designs that we recently Letterpress printed for Red Cap Cards. Hal and Carrie once again notes perfect for Letterpress Printing. Great little details, good contrast between the black and pastel accent colors all smashed into Cranes Lettra 110#. Go to to view more designs and learn more about Red Cap.

Racing beats off the slowdown!

“It’s great to see that even in this troubling economy, people still like to race with Best in the Desert. As of today, there are more than 260 vehicles entered in this weekend’s historic race. As the first race of the 2009 season for Cars and Trucks, don’t miss out on this opportunity to view this legendary event. With the beautiful backdrop of the Colorado River, many returning favorites, the Parker Python, the incredible Blue Water Resort & Casino, Shea Road spectating area and the exciting long distance, off-road race challenge, the Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker “425” is one race not to miss. Contingency is set for Friday February 6, 2009 at the Blue Water Resort & Casino in Parker, Arizona. Off-Road Racing’s Best-Run Series … Best In The Desert! " Copied from the Best in the Desert website

Most of our customers probably aren’t aware that Ron and I have been huge racing fans and even participants over the years. This past weekend (February 5-8) was the Parker 425an off road race located in Parker Arizona and I was fortunate enough to attend and help pit for some friends. Each year I have been getting more involved with racing and it’s been a thrill. There is great marketing potential in this growing sport and it’s evident by some of the huge companies involved.
The winner of this year’s race was San Diego’s own Andy McMillin from the McMillin Companies, he ran a flawless race absolutely blowing away the competition. I highly recommend attending a race, once you do you’ll never stop going.
Some local race series to look at

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Garden

My wife (Nicole) and I have been planning on landscaping our yard (our mess as she calls it) for over a year but have been stuck on what types of plants, where we should place them and the overall theme of our yard. With all of the recent drought talk (which by the way I find slightly funny being as we live in a desert, of course there’s a water shortage) we wanted make sure we kept it simple and water conscious. I called the local water authority for ideas and they highly recommended “The Garden” at Cuyamaca College.
Saturday as a mid day excursion we drove over to the college not really knowing what to expect. “The Garden” which covers 4.2 acres is located right in front of the community college and was completely worth the visit. As you walk through the garden its leads you through the “design loop”, “maintenance loop” & “irrigation loop” teaching you how to create a beautiful landscape while keeping water usage low and your water bill lower. I highly recommend visiting “The Garden”, take a lunch and sit down at the many benches and enjoy your surroundings.