Friday, January 22, 2010

Rain & Hail!

Wow, I have lived in San Diego my entire life and don't believe I have ever seen weather like this past week. Kind of a mess but we really needed it.
Here is a pic of hail that built up on our front door this morning. Be careful outhere and wear your waders. Keep checking in I am going to be adding some samples and marketing tips early next week.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well we hope that all of you enjoyed the holidays and celebrated the New Year! I am ever the optimist and feel that 2010 will bring good news and improved business. This doesnt mean everything will go back to normal but I believe that those of us who work hard, build relationships and have a plan will succeed.
What to expect from DeFrance this year- more ideas/ better solutions/ additional capabilities/ new marketing tools/ our own marketing campaign including directmail, email, phone sales, vehicle and building signage + more/ silk screen printing capabilities for clothing/ increased variable data solutions and more-